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Risk Factors for Hypertension among Adults. An Analysis of Survey Data on Chronic Non-Communicable Disease at Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center, South West Ethiopia

Received: 8 December 2014     Accepted: 14 December 2014     Published: 18 March 2015
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Background: Population based survey study on hypertension risk factors among adults in Ethiopia are lacking. The objective of this study was to assess hypertension risk factors (socio-demographic and behavioural) among adults aged 15-64 years, at Gilgel gibe field research center, 2013. Methods: An analysis of population based cross-sectional survey data on chronic non-communicable diseases was carried on, between March and May 15, 2013 at the Field Center. Four thousand & fifty five individuals (hypertensive=303, non-hypertensive=3752) were involved for analysis. Principal investigator together with data miner extracts the required data. Bivariate analysis of the association between the explanatory and outcome variable were carried out and assessed using Odds ratio with 95% confidence interval; variables in a binary screening found at p-value ≤ 0.25 candidate, and then Multiple logistic regression analysis employed to find out significant socio-behavioural factors associated with being hypertensive, employing Statistical Program for Social Science version 20.0. Result: Four thousand and fifty five (90.7%) out of the planned sample engross in the analysis (hypertensive =7.5%; women 179 (4.4%; Non-hypertensive = 92.5%). And the age groups of 45-54 years were substantial number of suffering hypertension 67(7.8%). Female, able to read and write only, alcohol binge women and vigorous recreational exercise were predictors of hypertension. Men and urban residents were less likely to be hypertensive (Odd Ratio =0.74 and, 0.82, respectively). Current Khat chew was highest among hypertensive (Odd Ratio =1.07(95%CI: 0.84-1.36). Reported risk factor: low fruit &/ or vegetable serve was the highest both in normotensive (42%) & 43% in hypertensive, and total level of physical inactivity was the lowest among hypertensive (1.7%), and current alcohol consumption 5.5% among normotensive. The results of bivariate analysis illustrated female, alcohol binge women and vigorous exercise in leisure were statistically significant with Odd Ratio of (1.35, 6.12 and 2.03) times more likely hypertensive, respectively. Then multivariate analysis, denote the Odd Ratio value of being female was 1.32, able to read and write only 1.60, binge women 6.78 and vigorous recreational activity 2.61 times more likely to have the disease, in the current study. Conclusion & Recommendation: Socio-behavioural risk factors for hypertension were common, so provision of health education & setting up of and strength a surveillance system for hypertension and its risk factors and further extended studies including biological risk factors; is necessary to reduce the burden of hypertension, in the survey population.

Published in Science Journal of Public Health (Volume 3, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.sjph.20150302.29
Page(s) 281-290
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


Risk Factors, Hypertension, Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center, South West Ethiopia

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  • APA Style

    Tesfa Birlew, Fessahaye Alemseged. (2015). Risk Factors for Hypertension among Adults. An Analysis of Survey Data on Chronic Non-Communicable Disease at Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center, South West Ethiopia. Science Journal of Public Health, 3(2), 281-290. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sjph.20150302.29

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    ACS Style

    Tesfa Birlew; Fessahaye Alemseged. Risk Factors for Hypertension among Adults. An Analysis of Survey Data on Chronic Non-Communicable Disease at Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center, South West Ethiopia. Sci. J. Public Health 2015, 3(2), 281-290. doi: 10.11648/j.sjph.20150302.29

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    AMA Style

    Tesfa Birlew, Fessahaye Alemseged. Risk Factors for Hypertension among Adults. An Analysis of Survey Data on Chronic Non-Communicable Disease at Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center, South West Ethiopia. Sci J Public Health. 2015;3(2):281-290. doi: 10.11648/j.sjph.20150302.29

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    AB  - Background: Population based survey study on hypertension risk factors among adults in Ethiopia are lacking. The objective of this study was to assess hypertension risk factors (socio-demographic and behavioural) among adults aged 15-64 years, at Gilgel gibe field research center, 2013. Methods: An analysis of population based cross-sectional survey data on chronic non-communicable diseases was carried on, between March and May 15, 2013 at the Field Center. Four thousand & fifty five individuals (hypertensive=303, non-hypertensive=3752) were involved for analysis. Principal investigator together with data miner extracts the required data. Bivariate analysis of the association between the explanatory and outcome variable were carried out and assessed using Odds ratio with 95% confidence interval; variables in a binary screening found at p-value ≤ 0.25 candidate, and then Multiple logistic regression analysis employed to find out significant socio-behavioural factors associated with being hypertensive, employing Statistical Program for Social Science version 20.0. Result: Four thousand and fifty five (90.7%) out of the planned sample engross in the analysis (hypertensive =7.5%; women 179 (4.4%; Non-hypertensive = 92.5%). And the age groups of 45-54 years were substantial number of suffering hypertension 67(7.8%). Female, able to read and write only, alcohol binge women and vigorous recreational exercise were predictors of hypertension. Men and urban residents were less likely to be hypertensive (Odd Ratio =0.74 and, 0.82, respectively). Current Khat chew was highest among hypertensive (Odd Ratio =1.07(95%CI: 0.84-1.36). Reported risk factor: low fruit &/ or vegetable serve was the highest both in normotensive (42%) & 43% in hypertensive, and total level of physical inactivity was the lowest among hypertensive (1.7%), and current alcohol consumption 5.5% among normotensive. The results of bivariate analysis illustrated female, alcohol binge women and vigorous exercise in leisure were statistically significant with Odd Ratio of (1.35, 6.12 and 2.03) times more likely hypertensive, respectively. Then multivariate analysis, denote the Odd Ratio value of being female was 1.32, able to read and write only 1.60, binge women 6.78 and vigorous recreational activity 2.61 times more likely to have the disease, in the current study. Conclusion & Recommendation: Socio-behavioural risk factors for hypertension were common, so provision of health education & setting up of and strength a surveillance system for hypertension and its risk factors and further extended studies including biological risk factors; is necessary to reduce the burden of hypertension, in the survey population.
    VL  - 3
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Public Health, Mizan- Aman Health Science College, Mizan Teferi, south nation nationalities and people regional state (SNNPRS), Ethiopia

  • Department of Epidemiology, College of public Health and Medical Sciences, Jimma University, Jimma, Oromia regional states, Ethiopia

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